Lucky Lottery
Today Result Live 25.06.24

GD-245 Winners List

lucky Lotteries used to declare the result live from 7.00 PM to 8.00 PM every day and the official lucky lottery GD-245 Results official website. Here we are updating the live lucky lottery resut 25.06.24. So the people are requested to keep watching this page for Today lucky Lottery GOLD GD-245 Result. Check lucky Lottery Result Today

Lucky Lottery

Today Result Live 25.06.24 GD-245

Winners List

Lucky Lottery result has been released. On this page, The participants can aAble to check their GOLD GD-245 winners list. Lucky Lotteries used to declare the result live from 7 PM every day and the official GOLD-245 Results will be available after 8pm on their official website. Here we are updating the live Lucky lottery result 25.06.2024 So the people are requested to keep watching this page for TodayLucky Lottery GOLD GD-245 Result. Check Lucky Lottery Result Today.

Lucky Lottery Result Live

Name : Lucky Lottery

Draw Code : GD-245

Draw Name : GOLD

First Prize - Rs. 70,00,000

Result date : 25.06.24

Result Time : 7 to 8 PM

Result Status ; Published

Lucky Lottery Result Today Live

[25 JUN 2024]

Here below the Lucky Lottery Today live result will be updated from 7 PM to 8 PM. The participants who are all want to check the results can able to check below.


1st Prize – Rs. 70,00,000/-
KY 275591
2nd Prize – Rs. 10,00,000/-
KX 797713
3rd Prize – Rs. 1,00,000/-
KN 603405 KO 167470

KP 480066 KR 627228

KS 475653 KT 203113

KU 683324 KV 799455

KW 605927 KX 709353

KY 569990 KZ 562606

Solace Prize - 50,000/-

1179 1245 2217 3273 3336 3400 3685 4465 8520 8931

4th Prize - 10,000/-

0943 4360 4391 5016 5223 5920 7229 7684 7783 7936 8448 8529 9650 9705

5th Prize – Rs. 5000/-

0926 1687 2165 2226 2280 3184 5123 5282 5914 6594 7390 7517 8026 8049 8857 9627

6th Prize – Rs. 3000/-

0023 2007 2228 2276 4023 4542 4603 5974 6365 6828 7537 7588 7665 8158 9079 9100 9527 9945

7th prize - Rs. 1000/-

1085 1169 1210 1285 1710 2159 2630 3415 3486 3587 3705 3789 3914 3956 4288 5386 5528 5661 6418 6682 6886 7932 7961 8198

8th Prize – Rs. 500/-

0046 0070 0197 0294 0321 0638 0650 0758 0790 0839 0843 1129 1324 1450 1880 1995 2025 2252 2377 2409 4668 4820 4871 5099 5249 5719 5840 6045 6186 6195 6259 6290 6337 6470 6687 6870 6907 7268 7299 7515 7851 7922 8041 8280 8659 8892 9040 9049 9129 9217 9258 9645 9719 9950

9th prize - Rs. 100/-

0032 0165 0198 0239 0511 0545 0787 0835 0891 0921 0923 1141 1168 1243 1387 1473 1483 1505 1522 1525 1537 1565 1625 1655 1696 1711 1874 1918 2114 2179 2197 2250 2452 2483 2538 2552 2554 2588 2694 2840 2858 2873 2900 3035 3077 3103 3181 3237 3250 3266 3320 3531 3633 3637 3675 3727 3757 3800 3846 3985 3986 4075 4092 4103 4195 4412 4443 4472 4500 4517 4537 4638 4753 4834 4891 4903 4995 5010 5035 5038 5220 5229 5264 5334 5347 5350 5376 5519 5768 5940 6076 6092 6192 6202 6278 6354 6390 6449 6507 6544 6587 6639 6720 6792 6842 6843 6979 7085 7109 7133 7218 7242 7344 7357 7424 7452 7459 7639 7719 7822 7827 7886 7945 7957 7990 8511 8535 8547 8641 8652 8684 8927 8934 9035 9211 9228 9534 9554 9615 9626 9702 9764 9843 9882


0014 0120 0161 0167 0209 0239 0242 0521 0568 0701 0900 0969 1013 1097 1170 1366 1367 1580 1619 1693 1738 1875 1892 1903 2023 2025 2051 2119 2144 2397 2421 2446 2508 2643 2752 2825 2904 2994 3007 3180 3193 3375 3508 3693 3709 3742 3785 3790 3842 3853 3906 3939 3948 3991 4071 4149 4164 4197 4356 4524 5029 5058 5113 5264 5270 5312 5319 5456 5477 5619 5711 5902 6080 6081 6233 6270 6278 6345 6506 6624 6652 6701 6854 6928 7144 7324 7359 7405 7520 7571 7700 7836 7842 7900 7948 7984 8004 8038 8210 8411 8470 8475 8496 8512 8550 8691 8728 8792 9190 9320 9351 9358 9363 9379 9465 9523 9692 9747 9861 9917

Lucky winners

Steps to lucky Lottery Today Result 25.06.2024

The participants who are all bought lottery tickets for today (25.06.2024) time 7PM (to) 8PM draw can able to check GD - 245 Results by the online website itself. For that, the participants are requested to follow the below steps to check and download the lucky lottery result today.

Step 1: Go to the lucky Lotteries official website

Step 2: Click the Lotttery result Button

Step 3: Check your lottery number whether won or defeated.

Steps to Claim Today Lucky Lottery Prize 25.06.2024ery Result Button


1stRs. 70,00,000

2ndRs. 10,00,000

3rdRs. 1,00,000

Solace Rs.50,000

4thRs. 10,000

5thRs. 5000

6thRs. 3000

7thRs. 1000

8thRs. 500

9thRs. 100

Bonus Rs. 50
